Elements of Design ECF38301 - 30 Flat Closet Supply

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We compared price of Elements of Design ECF38301 - 30 Flat Closet Supply across hundreds of online stores. We found Elements of Design ECF38301 - 30 Flat Closet Supply in 1 store with lowest price $12.97 in eFaucets. For detailed price comparison of Elements of Design ECF38301 - 30 Flat Closet Supply check table below.

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Elements of Design ECF38301 - 30 Flat Closet Supply description from eFaucets

Elements of Design Closet SupplyAccents CollectionLifetime Premier FinishBrass Construction3/8 Diameter30 Length

Customer review

First Elements of Design I've owned in years and wished it hadn't taken so long. Very happy with my choice. Elements of Design ECF38301 - 30 Flat Closet Supply is a great choice of tools & home improvement.