Sea Gull Lighting SEA-G501111-6022 - Seeded Acid Etch W/Cafe Tint

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We compared price of Sea Gull Lighting SEA-G501111-6022 - Seeded Acid Etch W/Cafe Tint across hundreds of online stores. We found Sea Gull Lighting SEA-G501111-6022 - Seeded Acid Etch W/Cafe Tint in 1 store with lowest price $92.34 in eFaucets. For detailed price comparison of Sea Gull Lighting SEA-G501111-6022 - Seeded Acid Etch W/Cafe Tint check table below.

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Sea Gull Lighting SEA-G501111-6022 - Seeded Acid Etch W/Cafe Tint description from eFaucets

Featured in the decorative Replacement Glass collectionA great choice for your do-it-yourself projectDecorative seeded acid etch with cafe tint finish to accent and brighten your roomThe preferred brand choice of builders and electricians:

Customer review

If you love Sea Gull Lighting, you won't be disappointed with this nice additional. I really love it!